The Us Agency

A non-profit media consulting agency, providing services to help grow your organization

Mission Statement

Our mission is to be a voice for non-profit organizations and causes in our community and around the world.


What We Do

The Us Agency is a nonprofit media consulting agency. We provide services and consulting for organizations so they can reach a larger audience and raise more money for their cause. Our services include video production, marketing strategies, auctions, fundraisers, and events. We are partnered with some of the best production companies and benefit auctioneering companies in the industry, and have a passionate board of directors filled with industry professionals.

We are committed to helping you meet your goals, and ensure optimal growth for your organization by creating a step by step plan tailored to fit your needs. We understand that as a nonprofit organization, acquiring adequate funding for marketing can be difficult. This is why our primary purpose is to provide you with the resources to do so, we believe every cause deserves to have a voice. Making a difference is our top priority, change starts with us.


Introduction video with Founder Hannah Beyler


For Non-profit Organizations in need of our services

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